
As an individual with a disability, you may have unique questions about when and if you should disclose your disability, or even request accommodations, 在你找工作的时候.

To succeed in career planning, 在大学里,利用和寻求各种各样的经历是很重要的. It is also critical that you discover your unique values, 优势和技能,给你的信息,你需要向潜在的雇主推销自己.


Take a Personality Assessment

性格和其他职业或自我发现评估是帮助你决定什么样的工作适合你的好工具. Taking them for yourself will enable you to explore different career options; many employers also request that job candidates take personality and other psychological tests in order to gauge their strengths and predict whether they would fit well into their 公司文化.

Make a List of Your Skills

Write down a list of all of your professional 硬技能 (that you have achieved through your education or training) and of your 软技能 (interpersonal skills like good communication, dependability, and flexibility). 然后, 查看招聘公告,看看你的技能是否符合职位描述中“首选资格”部分的要求.

Be Willing to Develop New Skills

虽然你可能有很多雇主正在寻找的能力,但这样做也无妨 扩展你的技能. 例如, 如果你读过的大多数有趣的招聘广告都要求你知道一个特定的计算机程序, 通过学习该软件,您的时间和金钱投资将获得极好的回报.

我们的职业发展中心配备了教练,他们会很乐意帮助你进行职业规划和决策. Appointments are encouraged, but not required.


访问服务 values the diversity disability brings to the college campus. 无障碍服务为残疾学生提供平等的机会,并获得大学课程和服务,以便所有学生都能参加哪个app可以赌足球提供的完整大学体验. 

Visit the 赌钱app可以微信提现接入服务 Webpage



《哪个app可以赌足球》(ADA)是1990年通过的一项民权法. 它禁止在公共生活的所有领域歧视残疾人, 包括工作, 学校, 运输, and all public and private places that are open to the general public.

该法律的目的是确保残疾人享有与其他人一样的权利和机会. 《哪个app可以赌足球》为残疾人提供公民权利保护,类似于为基于种族的个人提供的保护, color, 性, 国家的起源, 年龄和宗教. 它保证残疾人在公共设施中享有平等机会, 就业, 运输, state and local 政府ernment services, 和电信.


*“Reasonable 住宿 in the Workplace,” ADA全国网络2020年6月

Learn more about accommodations in the workplace

Equal Employment Opportunity

雇主歧视合格的求职者或残疾雇员是违法的. 你有权要求为完成工作职责而提供合理的便利. 美国.S. 平等就业机会委员会网站解答有关《哪个app可以赌足球》如何保护残疾申请人的常见问题, including information on disclosure and discrimination.

Learn how the ADA protects applicants with disabilities

Disclosure in the Workplace

有残疾的求职者可能会发现自己在这个问题上挣扎:“我应该还是不应该透露我的残疾??" “When is an appropriate time for disclosure?“这一决定也可能受到影响,这取决于你是否有可见的残疾或非可见的残疾. Ultimately, the decision of whether to disclose is entirely up to you.

美国.S. 劳工部残疾人就业政策办公室不仅帮助回答了这些问题, but also clarifies why disclosure might be necessary, how to disclose details regarding your disability, what and to whom to disclose, and protections and responsibilities to be aware of.

Learn about disclosure in the workplace


所有员工都必须能够履行职位所要求的基本工作职责, with or without accommodations. 明智的做法是在被录用之前考虑一下工作环境中可能需要什么样的设施或工具. 法律要求雇主提供合理的便利,让你履行基本的工作职责. 取决于你残疾的性质,何时以及是否选择披露取决于你自己.


Under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), 雇主因为残疾而对合格的残疾求职者不利是违法的, 残疾史, 或者因为他们被认为有身体或精神上的损伤,不是暂时的和轻微的, even if the applicant does not have such an impairment.



  • 你有残疾吗?
  • Have you ever filed for a workers’ compensation claim?
  • Have you ever been treated for mental health problems?
  • Do you have asthma or a heart condition, gout, etc.?

What Can Be Asked by an Employer

  • 雇主可能会询问应聘者是否需要合理的安排来完成空缺职位的某些核心任务, and what accommodations would be needed.
  • 雇主也可以描述工作的身体要求,并要求申请人描述或证明他们将如何完成这项工作.
  • 雇主在回答问题时要小心,不要迫使应聘者透露自己是否有残疾.

*“Avoid Asking These Illegal Interview Questions, CareerBuilder, 2009年9月. 2018

Even when asked innocently by the employer, 一个非法的问题可能会在不经意间导致雇主歧视你. The basic rule of thumb to knowing whether a question is appropriate or not is: 这个问题与你申请的工作技能或经验有关吗?

So how do you respond to an illegal or uncomfortable interview question? Responding to inappropriate or illegal questions can be tricky. You can certainly choose to answer the question honestly, though a candid response could jeopardize your candidacy for the job. You can also refuse to answer the question, which may be appropriate in some situations, 但如果这个问题是没有不可告人的动机问出来的,也会让你显得自我防卫或不友好. 幸运的是, 有很多方法可以回答这些问题,既不会显得躲躲闪闪,也不会显得无礼. 这里有一些技巧:

  • Gracefully avoid the question and steer the conversation elsewhere
  • Keep your answers short, broad and general
  • Redirect a question to your interviewer
  • Ask the interviewer why the question is relevant to your job

*Excerpts taken from “How to Handle Illegal (or Inappropriate) Interview Questions,“BigInterview, 2020年7月